Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Broadwater Warren RSPB 06/02/2018

My year list has been boosted recently by a couple of trips to Broadwater Warren. An early singing Woodlark was hard to locate when it was singing high up. Also, on the boggy heath near the old shooting butts, I flushed three Snipe as I walked behind the butts on the footpath. There were plenty of Siskin in the coniferous woodland, and a Grey Heron came in to roost when I was there quite late one day, and when I passed through the wet woodland, I found, to my great delight, one Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, which did not stay long, admittedly, but long enough to be identified. On the same footpath, I found two Marsh Tits. On the second occasion, I met the warden, and as we were talking together, a flock of Brent Geese flew over, a first for the reserve.