Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Crowborough 04/11/2018 - 10/11/2018

I was able to do a lot of garden birding this morning, seeing no less than 25 species, thanks to an early start. The weather was fine early on and the birds were very active. Superb passage of Redwing, and my garden's first Fieldfares flew over, also the first for Crowborough this winter.

My Garden
Woodpigeon: 7
Song Thrush: 2
Redwing: 36
Great Tit: 1
Coal Tit: 1
House Sparrow: 8
Wren: 2
Goldfinch: 31
Starling: 16
Jackdaw: 13
Robin: 2
Blackbird: 3
Pied Wagtail: 3
Fieldfare: 2
Black-headed Gull: 6
Carrion Crow: 4
Nuthatch: 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1
Chaffinch: 2
Herring Gull: 21
Goldcrest: 2
Collared Dove: 3
Dunnock: 3
Blue Tit: 4
Siskin: 2
Magpie: 4
Woodpigeon on TV aerial

Starlings using another one!

One of the 4

Two of the House Sparrows together

Female Blackbird

Male Blackbird

Blue Tit in the maple tree

I walked the Poundfield Path again today. Also, I did some birding in my garden between showers. This afternoon I walked to the Pelling's Woods, where I got some decent shots of Robin, Dunnock and Magpie..

Pelling's Woods
Robin: 2
Dunnock: 2
Woodpigeon: 3
Collared Dove: 1
Magpie: 2
Carrion Crow: 1
Jackdaw: 4
Starling: 5
Bullfinch: 2
Robin posing for a photo

Another pose

Dunnock using the same post

Magpie in the trees

Poundfield Path
Woodpigeon: 10
Magpie: 6
Black-headed Gull: 60
Robin: 1
Pied Wagtail: 1
Carrion Crow: 3
Jackdaw: 2
Carrion Crow on the Beacon Academy playing fields

Woodpigeon on the same fields

4 of about 60 Black-headed Gulls in total on the fields

My Garden
Woodpigeon: 2
Jackdaw: 4
House Sparrow: 5
Wren: 1 (singing)
Collared Dove: 2
Goldcrest: 1
Carrion Crow: 2
Buzzard: 1
Robin: 1
Starling: 5
Blue Tit: 1
Goldfinch: 4
Nuthatch: 1
Starlings at roosting time

A much nicer day than yesterday with almost wall to wall sunshine. Just the same old garden birding, but an excellent passage of Meadow Pipits enlivened the day a bit. Not quite as good as a couple of weeks ago when we had in excess of 30 over, but still good enough.

My Garden
House Sparrow: 6
Blue Tit: 2
Woodpigeon: 4
Carrion Crow: 2
Blackbird: 3
Robin: 2
Dunnock: 1
Herring Gull: 5
Black-headed Gull: 2
Wren: 1
Jackdaw: 300
Goldfinch: 3
Pied Wagtail: 1
Coal Tit: 1
Starling: 30
Goldcrest: 2
Chaffinch: 1
Meadow Pipit: >13

Carrion Crow on a TV aerial

Wren just outside my back door

Starling calling from a chimney pot

3 and a but of the five Herring Gulls using the rooftops noisily

A House Sparrow bathing in the afternoon sunshine

Starlings coming in to roost

Woodpigeon as the sun went down

A horrible, wet, and thoroughly miserable day, which offered hardly anything in terms of birding. A quick stroll along the Poundfield Path  gave only the usuals, and the rain restricted any other birding.

Poundfield Path
Black-headed Gull: 50
Robin: 1
Blackbird: 1
Herring Gull: 2
Woodpigeon: 5
Magpie: 4

One of the many Black-headed Gulls on the Beacon Academy playing fields
A general view of the playing fields today

My Garden
Magpie: 2
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 1
Wren: 1
Blue Tit: 3

Starlings preparing for the evening roost
Carrion Crow on the roofs
Jackdaw using a TV aerial before joining the roost

Unfortunately, I was out for most of the day at Broadwater Warren RSPB and thus I did hardly any birding. The evening was cloudy, and it was wet, therefore I did not do any birding there.

My Garden
Blackbird: 1
House Sparrow: 2
Blue Tit: 2

Highlights from Broadwater Warren RSPB included a group of about 8 Crossbill along the main track heading towards the Decoy Pond, although I did not see the Snipe which were reported earlier in the day.

Walked the Poundfield Path again today, and apart from the usual large winter flock of Black-headed Gulls there was little of note. In the evening I didn't go to the fireworks, but stayed home and counted 'seeping' Redwing flying over!

Poundfield Path
Black-headed Gull: 50
Herring Gull: 2
Robin: 1
Blue Tit: 1
Magpie: 4
Woodpigeon: 5
Carrion Crow: 4
Jackdaw: 10
Great Tit: 1

My Garden
Blackbird: 4
House Sparrow: 8
Blue Tit: 4
Great Tit: 2
Siskin: 3
Coal Tit: 1
Goldcrest: 2
Song Thrush: 1
Redwing: >30

Nothing much really to kick the week off, and as I did not do much birding, there is little to report on.

My Garden
Blackbird: 1
Magpie: 2
Robin: 2
House Sparrow: 8
Blue Tit: 2
Goldfinch: 2
Wren: 1

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