Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Shropshire, 06-10/12/2019

Probably my final 'birding' trip of the year, the trip to Shropshire was scarcely very beneficial to my year list, to say nothing of anything else. Photographic opportunities were perhaps the best it got, and indeed I got my best shots of Redwings, and probably my best close-up views. 

Another semi-interesting bird was a Raven, which flew close in a tight circle, before returning in a South Westerly direction. My view of it was partially impaired by a tight hawthorn hedge, but I still managed to get a few photos, the best of which is below:

It was a dull day, but the massive beak and bulky look were still very obvious, although the loud 'cronking' was perhaps the first thing I noticed. 

Another decent bird was Jack Snipe, which I saw (but for obvious reasons was unable to photograph), buried deep in the reeds on a flooded part of the river Roden. It appeared very briefly by a small flooded pool but very quickly disappeared, sadly never to be seen again.

However, the presence of some Siskins and a Robin made up for it a little!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wales September 2019

In September, I went for a week's holiday in Wales. The weather was perfect, without a drop of rain from the first day for the whole time I was there.

In terms of birding, the thing which struck me most was the relative frequency of Ravens. Living down south as I do, albeit next door to the Ashdown Forest, they are not that common.
Ravens at Dduallt
On the first day of the holiday, travelling up by train nearly to Porthmadog, where I stayed, I spotted a Kingfisher, on the banks of the Dyfi Estuary, from the train window, along with numerous Redshank and gulls, most of which I think were Black-headed Gulls. Later that evening I went for a walk around Penrhyndeudraeth, during which I am pretty certain that I heard a Wood Warbler calling, along with plentiful Chiffchaffs.

In the afternoon of the second day I walked with some friends up from Dolgellau to Llyn Cynwch, which had plenty of interest, not just avian but also including insects as well! There were numerous Jays around, as well as Siskins, Meadow Pipits, and Ravens, but also at least two Speckled Wood butterflies and a Peacock. On the shores of Llyn Cynwch itself there was a mixed flock of wagtails, with the majority being Pied, but at least two were Grey Wagtails.
A Robin which obliged for photos

Buzzard almost straight into the sun

One of the Speckled Wood butterflies

Grey Wagtail on the shores of Llyn Cynwch

Peacock butterfly
On the third day I joined some friends to go canoeing up the Dwyryd Estuary, and the birds were not in great quantities, but for a south coast birder it was certainly a matter of quality. Goosanders were in profusion, with large flocks taking off, as well as a Pochard, Red-breasted Mergansers, another Kingfisher, as well as potentially 2 Dippers, surprisingly far down the river.

On the fourth day, the Torrent Walk was the location for part of the day at least, which, although seemingly rather devoid of birds, was quite spectacular, and I think I possibly heard another Wood Warbler, although at this time of year there is little hope of seeing one due to the leaves.

On the fifth day, I walked from Penrhyndeudraeth to Tan-y-grisiau, roughly following the course of the Ffestiniog railway line. Jays were predominant, with Buzzards, but there was also a Grey wagtail on one of the small lakes we passed on the way there.

The final day I went on the Precipice Walk near Barmouth. Few birds, but some good views up (and down) the Mawddach Estuary.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Highdown Hill and Goring Gap, 21/05/2019

Today I went down to the Worthing area for the first time on a birding trip. My first location was Highdown Hill, and this brought reasonable returns.

The first bird to be noticed upon arrival was a Great Spotted Woodpecker, which flew across the car park from the woods on one side to the woods on the other. Walking up the hill, I located a Garden Warbler, which showed very briefly, and a much more showy Whitethroat, which was showing off its song-flight, regardless of the large numbers of dog walkers passing by. A few minutes later, the strange song of the Lesser Whitethroat came to my ears, and I managed a record shot as the bird surfaced for a second.

Just as I was beginning to wonder whether this had been a good idea or not, climbing Highdown Hill, as there were really not that many interesting birds, just Pheasants and other usuals, I located a bird in the sky, before realising that it was two birds fighting each other! I brought my camera on to them, as they were too far away to be easily identified by binoculars, and snapped a few shots. I promptly examined them, and found, to my delight, that one of the birds was an Osprey, and the other was a Buzzard, and they were fighting!

This was the outstanding highlight, but there were a few other semi-interesting species, such as Yellowhammer at point blank range, Chiffchaff, Linnet, and also Blackcap.

The next and final stop of the day was Goring Gap. Here, I did some seawatching. I came rather half-heartedly, as a north-westerly wind was forcast, which would be no good whatsoever for seawatching. When I arrived, however, I noticed that the wind was actually blowing straight from the south. Subsequently, I had a pretty good seawatch for an hour and a half or so, the obvious highlight being a Pomarine Skua past shortly before three. It had a massive tail. Other highlights were a couple of Little Terns fishing offshore, and three Arctic Skuas as well.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

New Website

Please note that bird sightings for Crowborough and the surrounding area can now be found here:

Crowborough 25/11/2018 - 26/11/2018

More Meadow Pipits, and a Nuthatch over my garden, whilst a substantial flock of Black-headed Gulls was up on the fields.

Poundfield Footpath
Black-headed Gull: 100
Jackdaw: 6
Carrion Crow: 2
Woodpigeon: 8
Blackbird: 1
Goldcrest: 1
Goldfinch: 20

My Garden
Blackbird: 4
House Sparrow: 8
Meadow Pipit: 20
Blue Tit: 4
Great Tit: 1
Dunnock: 2
Wren: 1
Woodpigeon: 2
Collared Dove: 2
Jackdaw: 10
Carrion Crow: 2
Starling: 25

Usual garden birding today, but not even a Meadow Pipit to make things more interesting.

My Garden
Blackbird: 3
Robin: 2
Blue Tit: 2
Collared Dove: 2
Woodpigeon: 4
Carrion Crow: 2
Jackdaw: 20
Starling: 50

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Crowborough 18/11/2018 - 24/11/2018

Meadow Pipits were the best it got, being a very quiet day for birding otherwise.

My Garden
Meadow Pipit: 21
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 2
Collared Dove: 2
Woodpigeon: 3
Carrion Crow: 2
Jackdaw: 120
Starling: 200
Goldfinch: 20
Greenfinch: 2
Siskin: 1

My garden was added to by a walk down to Pelling's Woods. The highlight of the trip was a pair of camera shy Bullfinch! The bird of the day was a Grey heron which flew over my garden.

Pelling's Woods
Bullfinch: 2
Nuthatch: 1
Blackbird: 2
Starling: 2
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 1
Woodpigeon: 4
Collared Dove: 2

My Garden
Starling: 130
Jackdaw: 90
Goldcrest: 2
House Sparrow: 6
Goldfinch: 14
Chaffinch: 2
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 1
Blue Tit: 2
Coal Tit: 1
Collared Dove: 2
Woodpigeon: 2
Black-headed Gull: 2

The usuals, the highlights being a small flock of Goldcrests and Firecrests on the Poundfield Path near the Poundfield Woods.

Poundfield Path
Goldcrest: 4
Firecrest: 2
Blackbird: 4
House Sparrow: 2
Robin: 1
Magpie: 2
Black-headed Gull: 100
Woodpigeon: 10
Carrion Crow: 2

My Garden:
House Sparrow: 10
Goldfinch: 10
Greenfinch: 1
Meadow Pipit: 17
Blackbird: 5
Robin: 2
Blue Tit: 2
Great Tit: 1
Coal Tit: 1
Black-headed Gull: 1
Carrion Crow: 2
Jackdaw: 140
Starling: 100

Poundfield Footpath and my garden were the only 'birding sites' I visited today.

Poundfield Footpath
Black-headed Gull: 120
Woodpigeon: 10
Blackbird: 2
Jackdaw: 10
Carrion Crow: 4
Goldcrest: 2

My Garden
Meadow Pipit: 4
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 2
House Sparrow: 5
Goldfinch: 6
Greenfinch: 2
Carrion Crow: 3
Jackdaw: 70
Magpie: 4
Starling: 20

The same as yesterday. I walked the Poundfield Footpath, and birded from my own back garden.

Poundfield Footpath
Black-headed Gull: 50
Herring Gull: 2
Jackdaw: 4
Carrion Crow: 1
Blackbird: 3
Goldcrest: 1

My Garden:
Pied Wagtail: 1
Blackbird: 4
Robin: 2
Goldcrest: 3
Carrion Crow: 2
Jackdaw: 100
Starling: 60
Woodpigeon: 10
House Sparrow: 2
Blue Tit: 2
Great Tit: 1
Goldfinch: 4
Greenfinch: 2
Chaffinch: 1

Little birding done today, only from the garden and on a walk down the Poundfield Footpath. Good passage of Meadow Pipits over, as well as a couple of Siskin, and plenty of Black-headed Gulls on the fields.

Poundfield Footpath
Black-headed Gull: 50
Herring Gull: 2
Woodpigeon: 4
Blue Tit: 2
Blackbird: 1
Robin: 1

My Garden
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 1
Blue Tit: 4
Meadow Pipit: 11
Siskin: 2
Goldfinch: 4
Greenfinch: 2
Chaffinch: 2
House Sparrow: 2
Woodpigeon: 4

Today I only did a little 'window' birding, hence the small numbers.

My Garden
Blue Tit: 4
Coal Tit: 1
House Sparrow: 6
Blackbird: 3
Carrion Crow: 1
Black-headed Gull: 1
Starling: 10
Jackdaw: 3