Thursday, January 3, 2019

Crowborough 18/11/2018 - 24/11/2018

Meadow Pipits were the best it got, being a very quiet day for birding otherwise.

My Garden
Meadow Pipit: 21
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 2
Collared Dove: 2
Woodpigeon: 3
Carrion Crow: 2
Jackdaw: 120
Starling: 200
Goldfinch: 20
Greenfinch: 2
Siskin: 1

My garden was added to by a walk down to Pelling's Woods. The highlight of the trip was a pair of camera shy Bullfinch! The bird of the day was a Grey heron which flew over my garden.

Pelling's Woods
Bullfinch: 2
Nuthatch: 1
Blackbird: 2
Starling: 2
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 1
Woodpigeon: 4
Collared Dove: 2

My Garden
Starling: 130
Jackdaw: 90
Goldcrest: 2
House Sparrow: 6
Goldfinch: 14
Chaffinch: 2
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 1
Blue Tit: 2
Coal Tit: 1
Collared Dove: 2
Woodpigeon: 2
Black-headed Gull: 2

The usuals, the highlights being a small flock of Goldcrests and Firecrests on the Poundfield Path near the Poundfield Woods.

Poundfield Path
Goldcrest: 4
Firecrest: 2
Blackbird: 4
House Sparrow: 2
Robin: 1
Magpie: 2
Black-headed Gull: 100
Woodpigeon: 10
Carrion Crow: 2

My Garden:
House Sparrow: 10
Goldfinch: 10
Greenfinch: 1
Meadow Pipit: 17
Blackbird: 5
Robin: 2
Blue Tit: 2
Great Tit: 1
Coal Tit: 1
Black-headed Gull: 1
Carrion Crow: 2
Jackdaw: 140
Starling: 100

Poundfield Footpath and my garden were the only 'birding sites' I visited today.

Poundfield Footpath
Black-headed Gull: 120
Woodpigeon: 10
Blackbird: 2
Jackdaw: 10
Carrion Crow: 4
Goldcrest: 2

My Garden
Meadow Pipit: 4
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 2
House Sparrow: 5
Goldfinch: 6
Greenfinch: 2
Carrion Crow: 3
Jackdaw: 70
Magpie: 4
Starling: 20

The same as yesterday. I walked the Poundfield Footpath, and birded from my own back garden.

Poundfield Footpath
Black-headed Gull: 50
Herring Gull: 2
Jackdaw: 4
Carrion Crow: 1
Blackbird: 3
Goldcrest: 1

My Garden:
Pied Wagtail: 1
Blackbird: 4
Robin: 2
Goldcrest: 3
Carrion Crow: 2
Jackdaw: 100
Starling: 60
Woodpigeon: 10
House Sparrow: 2
Blue Tit: 2
Great Tit: 1
Goldfinch: 4
Greenfinch: 2
Chaffinch: 1

Little birding done today, only from the garden and on a walk down the Poundfield Footpath. Good passage of Meadow Pipits over, as well as a couple of Siskin, and plenty of Black-headed Gulls on the fields.

Poundfield Footpath
Black-headed Gull: 50
Herring Gull: 2
Woodpigeon: 4
Blue Tit: 2
Blackbird: 1
Robin: 1

My Garden
Blackbird: 2
Robin: 1
Blue Tit: 4
Meadow Pipit: 11
Siskin: 2
Goldfinch: 4
Greenfinch: 2
Chaffinch: 2
House Sparrow: 2
Woodpigeon: 4

Today I only did a little 'window' birding, hence the small numbers.

My Garden
Blue Tit: 4
Coal Tit: 1
House Sparrow: 6
Blackbird: 3
Carrion Crow: 1
Black-headed Gull: 1
Starling: 10
Jackdaw: 3

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